Kitchen in a Box: All-in-One Island, Cabinet + Sink Design

Cooks know that keeping clean work areas while cooking is critical – and incredibly difficult in small spaces. Crisp, contemporary,white and fully functional, this modern integrated kitchen is one of a series of five interior design ideas from Boxetti and includes everything but the kitchen sink … no, wait, that is built in as well.

In its closed configuration, this convertible object is covered with lines and sleek handles that make you want to reach out to pull, push, flip and fold out everything – which you can. Pull-down drying racks emerge from a secret slot above and a slide-over surface space opens to reveal a hidden sink. General storage also hangs from on high, providing suspended food-saving spaces and other features that could also render an added pantry area redundant.

Flip-up counters unveil clever cutting boards and kitchen knife storage while fold-out drawers and doors provide additional space for trash cans, dry food storage, dish washing and a cozy alcove with a small built-in refrigerator. While this set is anything but cheap, perhaps the cost is justifiable considering how much square footage it would ultimately save.

2 Cool Twin Beds: Kids Bedroom Furniture to Bunk or Loft

To be fair, these are cooler than most adult bed designs – both the bunk beds set and the lofted single bed option include contemporary curves, a lovely modern wooden ladder and an overall dynamic-looking, white-painted wooden framework children can also appreciate.

The elevated frame makes for great under-bed storage space in the single-twin variant while the doubled-up design has a low-hanging bottom level but creates free-floating planes at each loft level for a full sense of openness on both the upper and lower bunks and on all sides. Of course, these two bedroom furniture ideas look even more cool in this staged scenes photographed by their makers at Mimondo.

Recessed metal fasteners provide solid structural security as well as edge-free safety, also visually punctuating the clean and curved white framing pieces without looking cheap. Flush mattresses sit just above level with the frame on both levels as well for comfort, but include tuck-in space along the edges for ease of bed-making. All in all, not something I would have minded growing up sleeping in.